Jaggy in a sentence as an adjective

Ok, I get what you mean, but it certainly isn't jaggy.

See how they're kinda jaggy, almost like steps?

The jaggy lines are quite glaring on a 1080p screen like the Nexus 5.

It's a shame that the page performs so `jaggy` on my computer.

Please note that, some of these logos will look blurred or jaggy on browsers other than Google Chrome.

His site's design has bigger problems than jaggy text.

And even though it had that 90's jaggy feel to it, it was my mp3 encoder desktop and I favored it above anything.

Also I would use text instead of an image for the countdown on the advert, as you very rarely see jaggy text in an app.

Apps that aren't updated are pixel doubled, so images, and in some cases text, are jaggy and blurry until they're updated.

When I visited my old Windows computer a year later, I realized I perceived all the fonts as incredibly jaggy, thin, and hard to read.

"A collaboration with Internet Explorer" and everything's jaggy on a big screen can't deny the irony.

Jaggy definitions


having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed

See also: erose jagged notched toothed


having a sharply uneven surface or outline; "the jagged outline of the crags"; "scraggy cliffs"

See also: jagged scraggy