Jackfruit in a sentence as a noun

We've had jackfruit for a while now and synthetic meat is nothing new in some sense.

I actually like the smell of rotting jackfruit, but that is a good description.

Many families in South india cosume lot of jackfruit in the season.

But if you have some guests and time to work with gloves and a knife, eating a whole jackfruit is a memorable experience.

TFA even mentions a falling jackfruit injuring a man in Southern India.

That said, extremely ripe jackfruit will also emit a sickly-sweet smell that's "so sweet it stinks", like an overdose of perfume.

By Thai fruit, the article is referring to fruit popular in Thailand like jackfruit, lychee that are tasty but difficult to eat.

Hilariously, in Singapore jackfruit is banned on public transport because it smells so awful.

It's true that you can't buy a whole jackfruit at the grocery store in most of the US but I've always been able to find good restaurants of some variety with minimal effort.

For example, jackfruit curry is delicious, nutritious and hearty.

Jackfruit definitions


East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds


immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted

See also: jack