Iteration in a sentence as a noun

I'm a huge fan of this fast iteration cycle in development.

The doubling period for the price was halving with each iteration[1].

Now they are at "SHA-512 multi-iteration, triple salted.

The whole point of Checkout is to enable ongoing iteration and improvement.

The best art is achieved via iteration: practice, release, refine, practice, release, refine.

We've invested a lot of time, thought, and iteration into improving the core email reading experience.

I dare say that perhaps at the time of the meeting, Pinterest's idea and execution were probably stupid, and it took time and relentless iteration to make it a success.

Rust is in the middle of switching its dominant iteration idiom from internal iterators to external iterators.

It's rarely perfect in the first iteration but they can see how doing this makes them more productive, and it beats getting a bunch of confused requirements from confused business owners, or working off cumbersome and inflexible product requirement documents.

So if you put your heart and soul into something, and then someone comes along, tweaks your thing and makes it better, the way to respond isn't to ask people to respect how hard you worked; it's to look closely at the new thing, understand why people like it better, and then bring that understanding to your next iteration or your next product.

Related [1]: Wired: How has your thinking about design changed over the past decades?\n\n Brooks: When I first wrote The Mythical Man-Month in 1975, I counseled\n programmers to “throw the first version away,” then build a second one.\n By the 20th-anniversary edition, I realized that constant incremental\n iteration is a far sounder approach.

Iteration definitions


(computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated; "the solution took hundreds of iterations"

See also: loop


(computer science) executing the same set of instructions a given number of times or until a specified result is obtained; "the solution is obtained by iteration"

See also: looping


doing or saying again; a repeated performance