Investigating in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, what the **** were they doing responding "This is not a bug." without investigating or asking for more details?

Flying people all over the country, investigating stories, hotel rooms.

I mean by the time everyone is done investigating who believes what and donated how much to who there won't be anyone left to work anywhere.

Were still investigating exactly how this happened, and as soon as we have all the facts, well be taking the appropriate action with the people involved.

Take this assertion, for instance:"The NSA copy of my emails won't be viewed by police or FBI investigating me about ********* use, for instance.

I believe that's an excellent question, and investigating the answer is also fascinating.

As usual, much more research will be needed before this finding could possibly be applied to human medicine, but it suggests new approaches worth investigating further.

I'm going to go out on a limb and register a slight discomfort with the increasing use of HN as a "court of public opinion" in very fact-bound disputes like this one. I can sort of see resorting to it out of desperation, but I'm afraid the Internet Lynch Mob has a very high ratio of outrage to effort spent actually investigating.

In graduate school, my thesis focused on the Southeast US from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, investigating the role religion played in the development, acceptance, and perpetuation of the Souths attitudes and behaviors toward race, class, and gender.

Investigating definitions


the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically

See also: investigation