Inventor in a sentence as a noun

" But the inventor is like "No, no, its all for the kids.

I am not the inventor of the patent in question.> 2.

But the Apple inventors' filing date is January 2007; swearing behind that far would be a real challenge.

Obviously people do get drugged occasionally, the inventor seems to have had it happen to him3.

In responding to the rejection, Apple can try to establish that their inventors predated Hillis's November 2005 filing date.

Mozilla's Brendan Eich, inventor of JavaScript, on the Dart memo leaked a few weeks ago:A Dart to JS compiler will never be "decent" compared to having the Dart VM in the browser.

D. Richard Hipp, the inventor and primary developer of SQLite considers the rock-solid reliability of SQLite of primary importance, which is one of the reasons everything from iOS to Skype uses it.

Once I left Google, there would have been no reason to continuously bring up my name as the original inventor, and I have chosen not to come forward until the patent was finalized and published.

To benefit society, the monopoly protection must extend to a point deemed reasonable for rewarding the inventor but not so long as to give him a windfall at the longer-term expense of others.

But if an inventor wants a national industrial policy to be made in his favor that will last for as much as 20 years, it doesn't seem per se unreasonable for society to require him to do some due diligence first.

The ability, or even the inventor's desire, to keep innovation secret and undisclosed has severely contracted and, in a sense, much of what is innovative in software is an open book, with a whole universe of developers drawing from the same or similar sources and deriving very similar outcomes without reference to one another's work.

This is more along the lines of you inventing and patenting carbon fiber, then winning an injunction against someone who built a frame made of spider silk and titanium on the grounds that you are the sole inventor of "lightweight, rigid bicycle frames".When you go to court with patents like the 4 Apple is leaning on, the perception of playing dirty because you're losing "fairly" is logical, and probably reasonably apt.

From Wikipedia:Ray was the principal inventor of the first CCD flatbed scanner, the first omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer[citation needed], the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition.

And even things that truly might be classified as inventive in light of prior art can be seen as being of very limited value in the broader swirl of rapid technological change within even a few years of the time they are given patent protection and hence giving every appearance of society's having given the inventor a 20-year windfall over what should instead have been incremental stuff worthy of 3-year protection at most.

They are supposed to take things that would otherwise remain secret and get inventors to disclose this secret know-how so that it can be absorbed into an ever-broadening public pool of knowledge for society's benefit and, as a trade-off, give the inventor a limited monopoly barring all others from using the invention for a limited time even if those others developed it entirely independently of the efforts of the inventor.

Inventor definitions


someone who is the first to think of or make something

See also: discoverer artificer