Invention in a sentence as a noun

"Elon Musks final invention will be a time machine.

The cylinder escapement was not a new invention in the 60's, but it started to get a lot of use around then.

Before the invention of the phonograph, people would bring instruments to parties and play music themselves.

It's a wonderful side effect of free thinking, innovative thinking, of creation, of invention.

One interesting point is he brought up Einstein's invention of relativity.

But make no mistake: The invention of the web is probably a more important human advance than anything else that has happened in the last twenty years.

The intent of the change is to harmonize the US with EU on a corner case of patent law, where two entities file for a patent on the same invention during the same window of time.

The lower court in CLS Bank held as a matter of law that the "invention" was nothing more than an abstract idea and held it invalid as being ineligible for patent protection.

In essence, the technological aspect of this "invention" is routine and so the question is whether anything beyond that is simply another way of trying to patent nothing more than an abstract idea.

Invention definitions


the creation of something in the mind

See also: innovation excogitation conception design


a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation

See also: innovation


the act of inventing