Introspective in a sentence as an adjective

If this is nothing but a trick to make one more introspective and aware of one's own life, I applaud it.

It takes some courage to be honest and introspective, regardless of how you may judge the poster.

Admitting things that make it obvious that you care too much what your friends think is courageous and introspective.

That's why people can write these really amazing zen sounding introspective pieces with revelations on how they did this or that, failed and then did this or that, learned, pivoted, raised some money and eventually succeeded.

As someone with an engineering degree, it does irk me to constantly hear programmers referred to around these quarters as 'engineers', it's extremely introspective, and IMO a little disrespectful.

"Dunning-Kruger" "doesn't demonstrate the self-awareness the best developers seem to possess" "requisite introspective capability" "I do interviews"Really?

But this community is so relentlessly introspective, communicative, articulate, well-equipped, and outright successful.

Not being sufficiently introspective, it decides that rather than its own processing algorithms being miscalibrated for the incoming signal, it decides that the fault must lie in the signal, for which the conscious mind readily provides the seemingly-salient detail that "this is in 48fps", and, bam, explanation achieved.

Introspective definitions


given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences

See also: introverted self-examining