Intestinal in a sentence as an adjective

Also are insects gutted or do you end up eating their entire intestinal track?

A diet of largely meats and we'll start to switch to a more alkaline intestinal environment.

Instead, it's due to the immune system deciding to attack the intestinal tissue.

It's clearly written from the perspective of someone who doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to do what they have to in order to make ends meet.

After all, nowhere in this article do the words "surgery" or "intestinal perforation" occur.

Hot dogs, brats, and cocktail weenies are all types of Americanized sausage which don't use intestinal linings anymore.

Michael Levitt is perhaps the world's leading authority on intestinal gas and still has an active research program in diseases of the human bowel.

You have to summon a modicum of intestinal fortitude and say "Boss, the fact of the upcoming move means my salary is going to get renegotiated.

There is a lot of data suggesting that the lack of intestinal worms in western countries is one of the reason for the rise of autoimmune diseases like Crohns. The theory is that the immune system in the gut is designed up to keep worms under control and in their absence starts attacking things like the gut tissue instead.

A single clump early would actually dodge the worst outcome: where two separate magnets, one ahead of the other around an intestinal curve, attach to each other through the intestinal wall.

I don't know about you, but watching my money disappear as it's being controlled by a trading algorithm/model that is subject to all kinds of mistakes and bugs is well beyond my own intestinal fortitude.

Our stomach capacity relative to our body size is almost exactly within carnivore parameters and we pass food out of our stomach and into our intestinal tract about as quickly.

For people who don't gobble down their food to quickly, that means only small sugar molecules even arrive in the small intestine, where they are further split into monosaccharides which can finally be resorbed through the intestinal wall.

"Based on properly designed and conducted randomised clinical trials, convincing evidence that beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E or their combinations may prevent gastrointestinal cancers is not found [...] These antioxidant supplements even seem to increase mortality.

It's the intestinal fortitude to deal with technology, business and people, day in and day out -- especially when all three of those things are often acting at odds with each other that makes startup life hard, and being small, with startups those things can be magnified out of all proportion.

Not to mention the danger of the probe breaking through the intestinal walls; per Wikipedia:"The most serious complication generally is the gastrointestinal perforation, which is life-threatening and requires immediate major surgery for repair.

Intestinal definitions


of or relating to or inside the intestines; "intestinal disease"

See also: enteric enteral