Interlanguage in a sentence as a noun

You have just related a lot of facts that show that English is a success as a world interlanguage.

Kythe isn't really a "product", but rather an interlanguage for tools that manipulate source code.

" Yep. Esperanto is toast as a world interlanguage compared to English.

One illustration of this is the role of English as a national interlanguage unifying all ethnic groups.

But if you propose Esperanto as a world interlanguage, you had best acknowledge the reality that Esperanto has always failed in that role, and always will.

English gains its position as the world interlanguage honestly and will not be challenged as the world interlanguage by any other language in the lifetime of anyone reading this message.

But if we take Esperanto as a serious proposal to produce a practical "interlanguage" for worldwide communication, then we have to count Esperanto as a failure.

Other countries at other times would have had sufficient interest in investigating an easy-to-learn interlanguage that I have to conclude, on the basis of "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," that Esperanto is not especially easy to learn for actual real-world use with persons who have other native language backgrounds.

Interlanguage definitions


a common language used by speakers of different languages; "Koine is a dialect of ancient Greek that was the lingua franca of the empire of Alexander the Great and was widely spoken throughout the eastern Mediterranean area in Roman times"

See also: koine