Insufflate in a sentence as a verb

> I would just buy some online and insufflate it.

It is true that smoked crack is more dangerous than insufflated *******.

I have insufflated them before, back in college, and it's not good for the noses' capillaries, the sinuses, etc..

When insufflated, pure caffeine can easily lead to overdose/death.

******* that isn't actually insufflated doesn't harm anyone.

Adderall and Vyvanse are basically the same thing, it's just that Vyvanse is the prodrug form that can't be insufflated for quicker delivery.

Tobacco is far safer chewed or insufflated than smoked, and cigarettes have a bunch of additional terrible chemicals in them.

Unfortunately I have to administer it, um, insufflated.

Their roots are a lot closer to your brain than you likely realize, and an untreated maxillary abscess is much more likely to quickly progress to fatal encephalopathy than you are to ever insufflate water containing N. fowleri.

The poster who insufflated the ketamine likely had a much higher dose over a much shorter period of time than the dosage used for an infusion, and reputable doctors generally give the infusion over 40-60 minutes, not all at once, and not via insufflation.

Insufflate definitions


breathe or blow onto as a ritual or sacramental act, especially so as to symbolize the action of the Holy Spirit


treat by blowing a powder or vapor into a bodily cavity


blow or breathe hard on or into