Insufferable in a sentence as an adjective

Christ, you sound like such an insufferable *****

Jones is a prime example of why I find most art critics insufferable.

It starts with a rather insufferable tone and then, somehow, it manages to get worse.

If you thought I was insufferable before... You are, but congrats nonetheless!

I was insufferable, and I'd never hire 15-years-ago me. I also won't hire any other young engineers -- I'll let them find out how little they actually know on someone else's dime.

Rest assured that your attitude is far more insufferable and real than the "culture invasion" you're concerned about.

Now, it is just ******* insufferable. Building a company shouldn't be purely about getting sold, acqui-hired or building products that no one outside your iphone addled tech circle will use.

The article popped up in one of those insufferable iPad-only JS-powered "mobile editions" with Swiping Action. Unfortunately, there was only the first page of the article.

That said, I know for sure that in my career I've been found to be insufferable at times; I have to give a bit of a pass on my impressions of him. Anyway, as long as my ability to work isn't impacted, I try to judge people solely based on the quality of their work.

Forgive me, perhaps it's the cranky Britishness in me coming out like an uncontrollable fountain of bile, but sweet jesus this bloke is an insufferable hipster.

I did not experience any arrogance, insufferable or otherwise.

We already have a "30x less code" language which comes bundled with an insufferable sense of intellectual superiority not backed by practical results. Oh, and I almost forgot the Python/Ruby "dynamic" and "human" craze."

I listen to NPR every day and it's almost insufferable to listen to when they talk about the NSA leak. Very little of the debate is about the actual NSA monitoring program itself, most of of the time they talk about why this leak happened and why Edward Snowden is a "strange" guy.

Okay, but comments on this post seem to be particularly insufferable. HN is usually filled with poor attempts at being clever; rarely is it ever so completely contradictory and illogical.

In a bout of absolute irony-blindness, these Value vacuums are far more insufferable than the very material they declared "distracting".

Always be careful: Thinking about completely impossible things is fun for a while, but don't make a habit of it, or you'll become the sort of insufferable spaced-out quantum-mechanics groupie who says things like gosh, maybe when I turn around and stop believing in this tree it will cease to exist. Of course not.

Since the Tea Party and Zynga are the two malefactors most responsible for insufferable activity on Facebook, this is a natural transition for Mr. Pincus. To the screwed: sorry to hear it, but I guess this is what you get when you work for a company whose name sounds like 4th-grade anatomical slang.

Insufferable definitions


used of persons or their behavior; "impossible behavior"; "insufferable insolence"

See also: impossible unacceptable unsufferable