Insubstantial in a sentence as an adjective

This seems like such a vague, insubstantial piece of advice.

So, I'm sure it's not an insubstantial amount of fuel, but maybe less than you'd think?

And in fact with evidence going the other way, however insubstantial it may be.

There's just you, interacting with this strange reality that is both insubstantial and more clever than you could ever conceive of.

If so, what are they?The negative responses to this article so far are so insubstantial that they form a defense of it by omission.

Pretty much everything on your site, from the branding, to the copy, to the actual blog post itself, which I find mostly insubstantial, sets off alarms.

From the front they belong to the family which includes the Apple design; but the Samsung products are very thin, almost insubstantial members of that family with unusual details on the back.

At Opera we have a not-insubstantial team dedicated to developer outreach who frequently contact sites that are broken in Opera and give them help to get stuff working again.

And if they can actually break TLS, can they also break all TLS or does this require some not insubstantial effort on their part?So both of these are real problems and the combination is potentially undermining the trust into the entire internet.

Will linkbait be the new inflammatory headline?Will handwaving be the new fluff?Will insubstantial murmurings be the new mumbling into whiskers?Will this turn out to be a useful blog post or is it just a bunch of questions that can't be answered because they're pretty close to meaningless?

You're disregarding powerful effects:- dilution between grant and exit- amount of equity being offered in the first place- opportunity cost of passing up traditional cash/stock bonus structures at BigCosThe fact of the matter is, a meaningful exit for the founders is almost always an insubstantial exit for the employee.

Insubstantial definitions


lacking material form or substance; unreal; "as insubstantial as a dream"; "an insubstantial mirage on the horizon"

See also: unsubstantial unreal


lacking in nutritive value; "the jejune diets of the very poor"

See also: jejune