Inspection in a sentence as a noun

Once in a while I'd get hauled into a weigh station for an inspection and they'd notice the hours violation.

My ISP does deep-packet inspection and will hand over my logs to any LEA that asks, without a warrant.

I would also want to have access to representative samples of the packs for inspection.

Carfax is important, but its not foolproof, and its no substitute for a good mechanic's inspection.

You might believe that on a cursory inspection these are justified if it prevents terrorism.

When I worked at Sega in the console era, I found out that every console game was open to inspection by other developers in this way.

This is repulsive to the notion of liberty as protected by the American "4th Amendment" right of freedom from governmental inspection without an adjudicated warrant.

Additional regulation of internet backbone providers to perform deep packet inspection for government investigation of copyright infringement.

"Makes provisions for hearing from the IP rights holders, but nothing about hearing from citizens or public rights groups.>> "share information with the competent authorities of other Parties on border enforcement of intellectual property rights, including relevant information to better identify and target for inspection shipments suspected of containing infringing goods.

Inspection definitions


a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood ready for review"; "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator"

See also: review