Insistent in a sentence as an adjective

" It seems to be so insistent and damaging that it's worth putting in the spotlight.

It cracks me up that all of the early comments on this thread are so insistent that course completion shouldn't be a goal.

The point is that they can get very loud and insistent and they might go on TV saying that "Apple distributes smut" and whatnot.

Back when Java was being created, James Gosling was pretty insistent that concurrency be lightweight and scalable.

They're so insistent on forcing the Metro UI on me, and it is so disorienting, that it took me 10 minutes to find the "normal" Windows desktop.

"What Im complaining about isnt Google playing the game, but rather their insistent whining about their competitors only after they lost the game.

| For example, if the suspect does not appear to be | enticed into having a conversation, the software | can appear offended or get more insistent.

To be heard, especially in a discussion where the male-dominated norms of raised voices are common, I may need to be forceful, stubborn, insistent, controlling, resolute.

And, I think their reasons for being so insistent have as much to do with the value of knowing someone's legal identity, as it does with their assertion that it is the "primary mechanism we have to protect millions of people every day, all around the world, from real harm.

I also really like this passage later on:"These cases require us to decide how the search incident to arrest doctrine applies to modern cell phones, which are\nnow such a pervasive and insistent part of daily life that \nthe proverbial visitor from Mars might conclude they were\nan important feature of human anatomy.

And in any case, though it seldom matters to people insistent on seeing the Android manufacturers in a bad light, Microsoft started this war by demanding licensing fees for ridiculous patents, like this one, for "Generating meeting requests and group scheduling from a mobile device"[1].If you want to talk about bad guys in this mess, it's the companies who ended the dtente by suing their competitors.

Insistent definitions


repetitive and persistent; "the bluejay's insistent cry"

See also: repetitive


demanding attention; "clamant needs"; "a crying need"; "regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous"- H.L.Mencken; "insistent hunger"; "an instant need"

See also: clamant crying exigent instant