Insightfulness in a sentence as a noun

There are hundreds of books or grammar and style, but try looking for a book on insightfulness.

And these were the best I've ever seen, in terms of insightfulness and pedagogical skills.

Length of a comment is not an indication of insightfulness.

I suspect if I had read it when I was 23, I would have had a different opinion of the book's insightfulness.

I feel I do to some extent, especially when it comes to creativity and insightfulness.

You had this opportunity to add insightfulness and enrich the debate with your comment.

This is common on every aggregator: most content is not selected for depth or insightfulness, but rather ease of consumption.

I upvoted for insightfulness, and I'm definitely all for not living everyday life like a war, but I'm not sure that the decline of friendship is a good thing.

Now I'll sometimes downvote, to put comments in the order of insightfulness; and very occasionally for irrelevance/childishness.

Hacker News readers seem to apply the Principle of Charity to insightfulness when reading: we would rather think that someone is making an interesting-but-wrong point than a boring-yet-right one.

The "insightfulness" of these points is overblown, especially if you've worked at Google, where the solution to "our bloated application server takes 20 minutes to recompile" is "then use our distributed compiler that runs on 100 machines," and the solution to "sometimes a worker machine takes a long time to come up or doesn't come up at all" is "then use redundant workers and fire up 200 machines.

Insightfulness definitions


shrewdness shown by keen insight

See also: acumen