Inopportune in a sentence as an adjective

Our system is tuned to avoid doing GC at inopportune times.

If you copied just the main file at an inopportune time then it would be invalid.

For my purposes, MSE has been a very large resource hog at inopportune moments.

A concern I always have over services like this, is that they tend to back up at the most inopportune times.

There's no VM or garbage handler running behind your back doing god-knows-what at the most inopportune time.

Consider story A, submitted at an inopportune time, say time 0.

A clever one-liner doesn't make these issues go away, it just postpones them to an inopportune time later.

Nothing good can possibly happen in this situation from now on. Once you've made arrangements for another position, feel free to quit at the most inopportune moment without notice.

" He recorded a sequence, then hit "repeat" at an inopportune moment which, serendipitously, led to the effect he was looking for.

That program was the most reliable thing I've ever seen, eventually every inopportune moment it could have died had been found and the code knew what to do.

Perhaps what the writer did is more unthinkable than I'm imagining; I only have a bachelor's degree, but I've seen smart, motivated people switch directions at inopportune times.

You lost your SSD at an inopportune time, and that sucks, but it could just as easily have been a spinning disk that died, or it could have died after you finished a nightly system backup so you had no data loss at all.

And if so, it also seems inevitable that the majority of crashes ostensibly caused by these vehicles will in fact be due to drivers taking control and making poor decisions at inopportune times.

This is ok, but adds complexity, and since it's not enforced, I'm going to makes mistakes that will ******* confusingly at inopportune moments.- I can make assumptions about the dom... this element must always be unique, right?

To some extent you'd be able to establish your own exchange rate, or at least not be tossing money in at an inopportune moment, and instead throw time/materials into some project and grow the bitcoin economy.

In particular, God doesn't hate nuclear powerplants and try to introduce sparks into them at inopportune moments just to see if they happen to find an oil spill, but The Adversary often can and will do this to your cryptosystem.

Inopportune definitions


not opportune; "arrived at a most inopportune hour"; "an inopportune visit"