Initiator in a sentence as a noun

The person working on those tasks will not be able to work on as many projects as the project leader/initiator.

Once the other bank is robbed and cease to exist, the mob will inevitably bring the gold back to the initiator of the robbery.

"Anyway, he's the initiator of Yesod, a screaming fast, type-safe web framework in Haskell.

Nevermind that he, having the mental preparedness that comes from being the initiator, may have the clearer presence of mind and less shaky handsEtc.

Basically, the initiator and responder perform an ephemeral DH key agreement.

It is your responsibility, as the initiator, to know whether consent has been given or not!Groping someone in a drunken stupor is very likely to get you into a LOT of trouble.

He seems to be trying to portray himself as a victim here, but he acknowledges that he was the initiator - he spoke out stridently, insultingly in violent and profane language against a whole field.

Initiator definitions


a person who initiates a course of action

See also: instigator