Inhale in a sentence as a verb

No, because it's flat out fatal if you inhale too much of it.

Notice the pauses at the ends of the inhale and exhale: what's it like?

In extreme cases you might inhale entire milligrams of the stuff.

20 years ago, Clinton "didn't inhale" at college.

They showed total disregard for the fact that we were being forced to inhale their smoke, even my young kids.

Doesn't the 2nd-hand vapor contain nicotine, just as the vapor inhaled by the user does?

The resulting fallout could be inhaled and/or swallowed by people and other animals.

We already have patches, gum, snuff, chaw; if you really want to inhale it as a vapor, why can't you do that in private?

Crunch mode inhale must be followed by re-tooling, decompressing exhale.

The carcinogenic substances you inhale from smoking are mostly a by-product of the combustion process.

You're looking for the transience of not only the inhale and the exhale, but also the transience of what appears to be solid neural signals are actually high-frequency sensations.

Unfortunately the stuff people are getting now is mostly made in China and you can't be too certain of what the heck you are getting when you take a big inhale and just taste the apple flavoring or whatever.

The rest of this page looks pretty scummy; it says "780 million women and children inhale smoke which is equivalent to smoking 2 packets of cigarettes every day", which blatantly fails basic sanity-checking, and as others have pointed out the duration and brightness numbers for this don't add up either.

' That way, they'll be sure to pass Monday's drug test, which they'd have failed if they had been 'foolish' enough to inhale from a bong instead of a crack pipe/meth pipe!So even if you think your employees shouldn't use ***** on their own time, even if it never affects their work, drug testing in the workplace is the worst way to encourage healthy behavior.

People brag about how many cups of coffee they inhale every day, how many liters of soda they can drink in one sitting, how many bottles of bawls they have on a shelf, or how many cans of red bull they need to chug to stay awake after their all-nighters, but even worse than that is how many people just acknowledge this as a normal thing.

Inhale definitions


draw deep into the lungs in by breathing; "Clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled"


draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"

See also: inspire