Inhabitation in a sentence as a noun

It did, however, render most all of it unsafe for inhabitation.

Certain assumptions would have to be made on the density of inhabitation of the target zones.

There are reasons supersonic aircraft are not tested over inhabitation.

Regardless of its inhabitation, though, we can clearly see that the notion of `zero even` simply being a type is sound---that's the nature of function application when the target domain is that of Set!

> populations that have had continuous populationsThis misses the point because this isn't about continuity of population in terms of lineage, just perpetual inhabitation.

The most interesting thing about the Chernobyl disaster is that it seems like human inhabitation is a more destructive force towards wildlife than the levels of radiation that are present - wildlife seems to flourish in this area.

Inhabitation definitions


the act of dwelling in or living permanently in a place (said of both animals and men); "he studied the creation and inhabitation and demise of the colony"

See also: inhabitancy habitation