Ingrain in a sentence as a verb

That's because Disney is trying to ingrain their brands into pop culture.

If you can ingrain that pattern in your brain, I promise you one block will become two and two will become four.

It lets you ingrain into your muscle memory the foundation-level skills.

However I do believe that an early adulthood -- 18 to 31 -- spent in the Marine Corps does deeply ingrain certain modes of thought.

There seems to be a lot out there about fat models, skinny views/controller, but it sounds like you should really just ingrain MVC as it pertains to rails in your brain.

I may be wrong, but I think you need to ingrain that way of life into an entire organization for there to be any chance of continually doing it.

So, if he has scientists talking about something, having half of them be women should, hopefully, ingrain a little more that women can be scientists.

Maybe I missed the point of the course, it was just a first year probabilities course, and the goal was to ingrain those 7 terms into our brains for the more complicated subjects.

For those wishing to ingrain Vim keys into their muscle memory, and improve their browsing experience, I recommend the Vimium[1] extension to Chrome.

They are already required to hire a certain percentage of expats to try to ingrain more flying expertise in them, but more likely, they will eventually be fired too.

You can get started by following along with proofs from a lecture, but in order to really ingrain the techniques in your brain, you have to write proofs of things you've never encountered before.

If living together is seen as a "trial period", it could ingrain the idea that "he/she is not committed to me, and will stay only as long as I please him/her" into the relationship.

My electrical engineering professors were constantly trying to ingrain in us the tendency to estimate the solutions to problems long before solving them.

- I think that there's no demonstrable security value for the majority of these projects, and since 2001 we've allowed the defense industry to ingrain top-heavy industrialized defense projects into our daily American life - militarizing America.

Ingrain definitions


thoroughly work in; "His hands were grained with dirt"

See also: grain


produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"

See also: impress instill