Informality in a sentence as a noun

And yet it retains the informality you want from an AirBnB.

It's a blog post, not a scientific paper, so you best get over the informality.

If you wanted to keep the same informality, "guys and gals" would be the appropriate way to do this.

That persona includes edge, informality, and passion for what I do. Sometimes Ill swear to invoke that persona.

Put a notice on the drinks machine that, through use of polite informality, makes it clear what was going on and that it would be appreciated if people didn't take the mickey.

Does the informality effect in any way the rationality or defensibility of their choices?

If it is a smallish, then the ebb and flow and the informality of email documentation can work just fine but do be aware of the limitations of any such approach.

Apparently, it's more common to associate business attire with hard work, focus, and diligence and to associate relaxation and informality with goofing off.

Even though most of the dismissal comments here are fair and true, I find that this article contains some true gems:> When starting a company in the US, informality rules, we all know the HP story that HP was started out of a garage.

I believe that this Israeli-Finnish mentality of informality and "to the point" attitude has something to do with both still having military draft, besides the usual being small, educated, remote and history of living under threat.

> Does the informality effect in any way the rationality or defensibility of their choices?Clarity in writing is not a stuffy affectation, but rather is the entire mechanism by which one both expresses an opinion, and provides an understandable, rational justification for that opinion.

Informality definitions


a manner that does not take forms and ceremonies seriously


freedom from constraint or embarrassment; "I am never at ease with strangers"

See also: ease