Inflammation in a sentence as a noun

Even if you don't have pain, constant inflammation can cause you all sorts of problems.

The glucose & fructose spikes are also source of inflammation.

It is believed that this inflammation is the cause of some of the damage related to heart disease, etc.

Some researchers even believe that inflammation that starts in places like your gums is a cause of heart disease, rather than just a comorbidity.

FYI, the dominant theory is that ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease, and the inflammation in the colon has nothing to do with what is eaten.

Nasties that get in your gums will get into your blood stream, and there's a high correlation between gum inflammation and generalized inflammation, even heart attacks.

The honey coats your throat and soothes it, which will help to prevent irritation and further inflammation, and is apparently antibacterial too.

And the fact that it reduces anxiety also reduces inflammation even further, since anxiety is probably largely what was causing the inflammation.

Corp speak - By aggressively optimizing our resource acquisition, we invest in solution innovation inflammation conflagration immolation.

If I understood the article correctly, a more appropriate title would be "Resveratrol health benefits 'overhyped'* :> Studies have shown that consumption of red wine, dark chocolate and berries reduces inflammation, leading researchers to speculate that their common ingredient, resveratrol, explains why.> He says any benefits of drinking wine or eating dark chocolate or berries, if they are there, must come from other shared ingredients.

Inflammation definitions


a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat

See also: redness rubor


the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up; "his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled"; "he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation"

See also: excitement excitation fervor fervour


arousal to violent emotion

See also: inflaming


the act of setting something on fire

See also: ignition firing lighting kindling