Inflame in a sentence as a verb

And the headline is clearly designed to inflame.

In the absence of making a factual claim, the author is trying to inflame passions.

I think the fundamental difference UK versus USA, is that it is very hard to inflame passions in the UK about abstractions.

Again, you're falling back to a style of argumentation designed to inflame emotions, but in fact adds no rational content to the discourse.

They describe the case as highly troubling and likely to further inflame rising national concern that protection of children’s private educational information is too lax.""Mr. Thiele said his district has used Google Apps for Education since 2008.

This is a privately held gathering place, and if the price for absolute lack of censorship is comments and rhetoric that incite, inflame, go off topic, or otherwise just make this gathering place worse, then they can be shown the door.

Rock Hudson had a somewhat high voice that producers deemed incompatible with his looks, so during production he would warm up every day by shouting for 20 minutes and gargling with orange juice to inflame his vocal cords, and of course he smoked a lot too.

"In May, [Obama] said: “The most direct consequence of releasing [the pictures], I believe, would be to inflame anti-American public opinion and to put our troops in greater danger.”"\nIs that supposed to be an explanation?Moreover I can't understand why they let pictures like that be taken.

Inflame definitions


cause inflammation in; "The repetitive motion inflamed her joint"


catch fire; "The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles"

See also: kindle


cause to start burning; "The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds"

See also: kindle enkindle conflagrate


arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"

See also: wake ignite heat


become inflamed; get sore; "His throat inflamed"