Infallible in a sentence as an adjective

This guy just said "my infallible tools caught it" and those who want to believe in conspiracy theories just believed it.

Even Amazon isn't infallible when it comes to customer service.

I can't think of the last time my fingerprint was used as some infallible method of identification, if ever.

You can have infallible technology, or you can have a decent customer service experience.

Google is what you get when you hire essentially random people, all of whom believe or are led to believe that the process that led to them being hired is infallible.

Also understand that laws exist for reasons--not infallible reasons, just reasons.

It's not that talent doesn't exist or that hard work is infallible, it's just that a belief in hard work will always result in better outcomes for the believer.

It wouldn't be the first time that someone devised and implemented poor policy, meanwhile touting it as an infallible act of genius...

There may be something to live for that I don't know about -- some overarching infallible truth embedded in the fabric of the universe that gives life meaning.

Belief in a strong, super-genius, infallible leader that we can never equal and/or please, may be ingrained in our brains, be it religion or, as in this case, CEO worship.

Perhaps next time you post on HN you could add some arguments to support your position, if only out of courtesy to those of us who cannot read your mind to see the no doubt infallible logic behind your opinion.

Nadim's ego has lead him down a path where he believes that what he is doing is infallible and his critics do not deserve any level of praise--and it is reenforced by those who do not know any better than he does.

> police misconductHow about an officer who has to break the law/procedure to expose corruption or save someone's life?Life is rarely so black-and-white; zero tolerance strips us of our ability to use reason and discretion based on the arrogant assumption that our rules and procedures are perfect and infallible, which is just silly.

Infallible definitions


incapable of failure or error; "an infallible antidote"; "an infallible memory"; "the Catholic Church considers the Pope infallible"; "no doctor is infallible"