Industriousness in a sentence as a noun

That Germany managed to do so well speaks to the industriousness of German culture, not that they were 'let off lightly'.

I call ******** on the idea that industriousness is entirely learned.

For example, no one doubts the greatness of Thomas Jefferson, but it would have been different for one of his field slaves to profess industriousness.

Hm, let's see, these markers indicate a high probability of low intelligence, and over here, shall we say lack of industriousness.

Blame games are bikeshedding, signalling a likely lack of valuable industriousness.

So stop rationalizing and just accept this as the temporary new norm and recultivate the industriousness along with creativity to foster growth again.

I don't want to detract from her industriousness or enthusiasm for learning, but when half the world is convinced she's done something notable enough to get her on the talk show circuit, something is wrong with the reporting.

While society can tolerate that some get a bigger share of the GDP pie on the plausible rationale that their industriousness contributes to their wealth, it is less tolerant of the idea that the wealthy should live while the poor die.

Never underestimate the ability of unchecked human industriousness to turn an unimaginably large resource into a rapidly dwindling one.

User Modeling extracts three types of personal characteristics from the data a person generates in social media or within their written/digital communications: Big 5 Personality - This is the most used personality model that generally describes how a person engages with the world by the following five dimensions: – Openness-to-Experience - associated with curiosity, intellect, and an appreciation for art and adventure – Conscientiousness - associated with organization and industriousness – Extraversion - associated with positive and outgoing attitudes toward other people – Agreeableness - associated with compassion and cooperation toward other people – Neuroticism - associated with a sensitivity to negative emotions Each of the five top-level dimensions has six sub-facets that further characterize an individual at a finer-grained level.

Industriousness definitions


persevering determination to perform a task; "his diligence won him quick promotions"; "frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues"

See also: diligence industry