Inculcate in a sentence as a verb

It still seems like an ideal way to inculcate learned helplessness, though.

I am super thankful I never went to your school and I really wish we didn't inculcate kids with views like that.

If you are looking more to inculcate general principles of how to think at scale, the former should be good.

Do you put every spare dollar in repaying it or still inculcate a habit of saving 20%?

If universities exist to serve it commercially, might as well inculcate its values while it's at it.

While we perhaps inculcate a bit more compliance than is strictly necessary, you can't make children not gullible.

"\n\nI'm an instructor at a coding school[1], and one of our biggest goals is to inculcate software design principles into our students.

These kids are often first-generation college students, whose parents have no experience with the whole process and don't inculcate the right values in their kids.

Very few schools inculcate the confidence, as a 22-year-old with no work history, to walk into an investor's office and ask for a million-dollar seed round.

To be a good coach and to learn athletics requires a lot of skill and a lot of discipline both qualities that the education system is trying to inculcate anyways.

Unfortunately, that isn't a sentence: "jejune" is an adjective, not a noun; "belie" is a verb, not a noun; "inculcate" takes an indirect object with "in", not a direct object.

Women were expected to hold on to their innocence until the right man came along so that they can start a family and inculcate that morality they were in charge of preserving.

It's hard for the humanities to brag about their ability to inculcate logical thought and careful rational reasoning when at the highest levels those things are despised.

If, upon graduation into the real world, you find that you do not enjoy wading in ****, we will shake our heads sadly and wonder how we failed to inculcate you with a seemly affection for ****-wading.

Since "young men buy over 90% of all engagement rings" it would be crucial to inculcate in them the idea that diamonds were a gift of love: the larger and finer the diamond, the greater the expression of love.

As I find out now, saving receipts right from the beginning is a habit I would suggest every entrepreneur to inculcate because once you start running your business it's important to stay organized.

From my experience the "Bad Guys" don't give a **** about code quality and will shower you with praise if you give them the crappiest code possible, as long as you make the changes they want 5 minutes ago. This article is really talking about the insecurity that other programmers inculcate, because we're all very smart and all very competitive.

Meanwhile, business and marketing tends to inculcate a kind of narcissism or even sociopathy that isolates these fields from everyone else, and to disparage the skills of others as mere "human resources.

Inculcate definitions


teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; "inculcate values into the young generation"

See also: instill infuse