Incorrect in a sentence as an adjective

Marketing is not an excuse for incorrect claims.

If my comment is "too reddit" or if I am incorrect in what I write I could be shadow banned.

This statement however is demonstrably incorrect:"This guy is wasting his time.

Instead, the case he could have been making, loudly, was for an actual, specific, incorrect cause of childbed fever.

One day someone called a meeting to discuss a new software system that would help prevent incorrect box labels from being stuck on finished goods.

At any point, a no-knock warrant could be incorrectly issued for my house and I could have paramilitary troops attack.

"some beaches are private" is actually incorrect - all beaches in California are public from the water to the high tide line.

There are probably people who take action over the results they get from the service and if the results are incorrect the actions could have negative impact on their health.

Its always funny to see how relaxed and personable some people become after i make some politically incorrect jokes/references.

I saw tenure and social capital deciding issues by default.> It's easy to fall into the mindset that you don't know everything, > everyone around you is smarter and more experienced, and that if you > say something incorrect you'll be judged by your peers.

When he says, "Bacteria, like any living organism, want to survive," and "So anything that we do to try and **** bacteria, or anything the environment does to try and **** bacteria, bacteria will eventually discover ways or find ways around those" he is making factual statements that are plainly incorrect on their face.

This means that we will continue to collect entropy even if the input pool is apparently "full".This is critical, because secondly their hypothetical attacks presume certain input distributions which have an incorrect entropy estimate --- that is, either zero actual entropy but a high entropy estimate, or a high entropy, but a low entropy estimate.

Incorrect definitions


not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions"

See also: wrong


not in accord with established usage or procedure; "the wrong medicine"; "the wrong way to shuck clams"; "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts"

See also: wrong


(of a word or expression) not agreeing with grammatical principles


characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report"; "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road"

See also: faulty wrong