Inconsolable in a sentence as an adjective

I am inconsolable and confused by my mood.

My wife has gone from amused to angry to inconsolable.

She was inconsolable for a month, feeling as if she’d killed the otter herself.

"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

The division in the country is real and deep and in some places inconsolable, rather than just a media mirage.

If you found that a colleague was inconsolable because they'd snapped a nail, you'd judge them and respond differently than if their parent was dead.

Many developmental delays including speech, inconsolable screaming, waking up 8+ times a night, and on and on.

Whoever wrote this is probably going to be quite despondent and inconsolable whenever someone they actually care about dies.

It is also true that a very small number of babies are truly inconsolable, and most babies go through periods of being extremely hard to console.

I remember my teacher specifically was inconsolable for awhile.

The fringes are constantly outraged, inconsolable, and unreasonable in their knee-jerk attacks in every direction. One can no longer lean in a particular direction. One must now fall headlong into passionate ruin or go home if they merely wish to reason, consider, and discuss.

After hours of inconsolable crying and running on a bare handful of hours of sleep over the last several days, I remember looking at him and thinking "Oh wow, I can totally understand shaking a baby now." Thankfully, I didn't, then or later, but it made me way less judgmental of other parents, and gave me a much better appreciation for the value of sleep.

She sounds like she's inconsolable and nothing can be done to make it right, but boy, does blabbing about how upset she is in every possible media outlet make it feel a little better!I think she's looking for more than just replacement, but a sizable settlement.

"The only advice I have is, is that give you have to do some things anyway, you might as well find the joy in them and do them with a smile"Changing a nappy bleary eyed at 4 am with an inconsolable screaming infant I recalled this advice from my friend with three kids.

Those organizations are basically just inconsolable, fixated and merciless Israel-bashers.

Inconsolable definitions


sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; "inconsolable when her son died"

See also: disconsolate unconsolable