Inappropriate in a sentence as an adjective

\n “We said those kinds of things were inappropriate back \n in the ’60s.

They made some lewd inappropriate comments about my gf and then asked to buy *****.

In the case of Wall Street, that term is inappropriate in virtually every sense.

A title like that is just going to encourage comments and culture from reddit which is usually inappropriate here.

If that AirBnb co-founder really asked her to tone down her post because it would mess with future financing, that's just sad. Talk about inappropriate timing and priorities

If the recordings are inappropriate for public release then that's a different matter than trying to prevent their valuable existence.

Somehow in the middle of the media hype about sexism, I had assumed I must be doing something wrong and was trying to figure out what was inappropriate about my behavior.

VC-istan execs tend to have inappropriate, power-imbalanced office affairs, traders and bankers go strip clubs more often than is healthy... programmers swear slightly more than average and some are socially awkward.

Less people will think you an 'ice queen' if you call out an inappropriate remark, but countering the above form of sexism seems far more difficult to do while preserving 'likeability' -- 'what's the big deal, I just asked her to take notes!

This is not new and it's not a secret, people for whatever reason are more oblivious to it than they should be or perhaps people are so accepting of inappropriate behavior in our entertainment mediums that we are desensitized to it until it happens to us.

Some of them have double counted numbers, while others have made inappropriate international comparisons These inaccurate measurements may have played a role in exaggerated evaluations of the severity of Canadas debt problems.

If claims were triable by jury, and if a party elected to have them tried by a jury, this right had to be preserved at all costs and it was regarded as inappropriate for a judge to be too aggressive in attempting to screen and bounce claims at any part of the pretrial stage or to use too much authority at the trial itself to limit the scope of assertable claims.

You hand off the candidate to 5 different people, the interview lasts all day, you require too many interviews before making an offer, you have puzzle questions, your interviewer is non-technical and has never used the technologies you're hiring for, you rely on agency recruiters, you and your co-founders aren't involved in hiring, you don't spend enough time on hiring, it takes weeks for you to get back to candidates, it takes days for you to make an offer, you forget about scheduled interviews, your people doing the interviews aren't at work the day candidates have scheduled to come in, you ask inappropriate questions during interviews, you lie to candidates during interviews, interviewing is combat and not collaborative3.

Inappropriate definitions


not suitable for a particular occasion etc; "noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness"; "inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach"; "put inappropriate pressure on them"


not in keeping with what is correct or proper; "completely inappropriate behavior"

See also: incompatible unfitting