Inaccessible in a sentence as an adjective

Space constraints at work means my team's whiteboard wall for standup is now inaccessible.

Unless you can proxy/convert all content, all but the most trivial content is inaccessible.

Calling the hn thread fiery and inaccessible, what exactly is inaccessible about a thread on hn?

It did.- Facebook claimed that when users deactivated or deleted their accounts, their photos and videos would be inaccessible.

Udacity has been inaccessible to Iranians since the beginning because they use App Engine for hosting.

The cool abstractions that motivate higher mathematics may be inaccessible to children who have no experience with tangible examples of those absractions.

Why should they legally or otherwise be required to verify something is actually deleted, instead of simply ensuring it's inaccessible in their system?

Everything is cached in-case Google'd data were to ever be inaccessible, but it's a system that was easy to implement, and has worked well for a couple years without any perceivable negatives.

This led to consolidation as big businesses could buy up many small ones .I predict this will continue happening as long as the combination of low interest rates and inaccessible consumer loans continues.

In particular, suppose MtGox can produce an audit trail showing that a particular set of addresses corresponds to their inaccessible cold wallet, and nobody else challenges their claim by signing a message from one of those addresses.

How do you know that they're not censoring edits to make articles reflect more positively on a company with which they have a commercial relationship?It is possible to remove edits in a way that makes the diffs inaccessible.

When \n the power is cycled in this state, a sort of self-destruct \n mechanism is triggered, rendering the drive unresponsive.\n\nSo you enter a read-only mode, and then on power cycle you self-destruct, making the intact data inaccessible?

One possibility is that the entangled particles contain extra information, inaccessible to normal observation, about their respective states and which way the superposition will resolve.

As I'd mentioned on an earlier submission about W3C's site being inaccessible:A cool thing about Aaron's activism was that it involved building things, circumventing censorship, and spreading information, rather than sabotage and denial-of-service.

In particular, the handoff between guest accounts and "real" trial accounts is of paramount importance to my business but is meaningless to customers who have guest accounts until they get to school, at which point they will often discover, to their surprise, that failing to make the decision yesterday to give me their email address now means their cards are totally inaccessible.

Inaccessible definitions


capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all

See also: unaccessible


not capable of being obtained; "a rare work, today almost inaccessible"; "timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands"; "untouchable resources buried deep within the earth"

See also: unobtainable unprocurable untouchable