Impugn in a sentence as a verb

I don't mean to impugn the author or make it out like he's purposely trying to trick anybody.

Then he uses their lack of understanding to impugn Khan Academy.

"I hate to impugn a fellow HNer, but I really can't abide this sloppy, half-assed, incomplete thought.

But it's not right to impugn the Fed with the actions of a few irresponsible investment banks.

We're attempting to impugn the husband's motives by implying he wanted her dead so he could date someone else?

I don't mean to impugn his skills, but I'm pretty sure that he's operating far outside his area of expertise here.

To me, "purportedly" is the glaring weaselword and is intended to cast aspersions or otherwise impugn the whole 'construct' of Mr. Snowden as illegitimate.

Right, the whole tone reads as though he wants to impugn Sal's character and motive, as if he set out when he initially developed the vids as an attempt to pilfer money from the Gates foundation.

" That question is only tough because there is no underlying logic to respond to it's a lazy talking point intended to impugn the other side's motives rather than address the actual issue at hand.

Far be it from me to impugn the credibility of researchers I don't know, but I have to think there's at least some confirmation bias at work when Google concludes that giving Google money for paid ads is a good thing.

Though I don't want to impugn without data, this suggests that you may be jumping to conclusions based on published security advisories; I'd try to be careful about that, as you could be missing the actual attack vector.

How is it up to us to judge what others want to accomplish with their lives and consequently impugn their sorrow and pain at failing to achieve what they had hoped to?Another thought - are you going to slap a suicidal middle-class teenager in the face and tell them to grow the **** up and realize how privileged they are, how most Americans and in fact almost all teenagers in the world are worse off than them?

Impugn definitions


attack as false or wrong