Improver in a sentence as a noun

Those are all intermediate/improver kind of books, though.

So it's just another "improver", or if you will, an "optimizer".

You are a continuous improver, you constantly push outside of your comfort zone.

Maybe start with simple website-improver GreaseMonkey scripts, to fix things that bug you, or make your life easier?

I think it's always worth taking a few extra characters to improver readability.

I must admit, it's enough of a productivity improver that even on my Mac I prefer to do most my hacking in VS running under VMWare.

I have an iPhone and a 15" MBP but probably the most useful productivity improver I have is an almost weightless Bluetooth clicket keyboard that I carry around.

But the underling concern is the same: a lack of trust for rdrand -- and the solution should be the same: to only ever use rdrand as an "improver" and never as an actual source of entropy.

Sounds like Intel went after a lot of one time optimization improvements for these low power chips, stuff that they aren't going to be able to be able to call on multiple times to improver performance.

Having the older student partially teach the younger one, for example, is a good way for the older student to significantly improver their own understanding of the material.

For me, they succeeded in making home cleaning accessible to a guy in his early 30s who clicked a few buttons past a Facebook ad to schedule 2x/mo cleaning - a big stress reliever and quality of life improver.

It’s very likely that most of the studies attributing benefits to vitamin D and correlations between serum vitamin D and health are because it is a surrogate marker for getting sunlight, which may be the real health improver.

Improver definitions


someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms

See also: humanitarian do-gooder


a component that is added to something to improve it; "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement"; "the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor"

See also: addition add-on