Importing in a sentence as a noun

It is importing the data into SQLite and running the query there.

They started importing expensive tools to help them dig faster.

What happens if the repo you're importing from Github is deleted?

I had some ideas for making a "Pro" edition with things like importing/exporting colors from/to CSS stylesheets.

If I were running a Mexican drug cartel, I'd be trying to ensure all the ***** I was importing into the US stayed illegal there.

If importing your schema types was as simple as importing any other library function in your native language, are you still opposed to it?

Stalin has some ideas about lebensraum of his own, and instigated a mass programme of exiling Latvians and importing Russians.

They're the ones actually importing people at above market rates, they're the ones handing out $110K offers to new grads and $150-200K offers to even intermediate level coders.

I...installed it,came to the prompt about importing your contacts,decided that I didn't want to do that,found that I could not continue setting up the app without doing so,deleted the app.

Importing definitions


the commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods from a foreign country

See also: importation