Importance in a sentence as a noun

Anyone can write what David Brooks wrote, dodging anything of importance about the situation.

Or blatant tax avoidance and disregard for building code and hotel regulations is a matter of importance for the state of New York.

News websites by the old printing press garde are the antithesis to the web. They do not understand hyperlinks, they do not understand the importance of giving access to raw material in a Wikileaks era.

Even if everyone had the technical chops needed to understand what has been happening, most people never spend much time contemplating the importance of privacy rights.

While nearly everyone else was focused on more mundane concerns of immediate importance, he was worried and tried to warn us about long-term, higher-order, societal consequences.

I feel so stupid and so ashamed of myself for all the time I have thought of everything Richard Stallman had to say about privacy and security concern as a "neck-beard, tin-foil hat, nutjob".He was right all along, it was us who didn't care enough to understand what he was saying and its importance.

In particular, the handoff between guest accounts and "real" trial accounts is of paramount importance to my business but is meaningless to customers who have guest accounts until they get to school, at which point they will often discover, to their surprise, that failing to make the decision yesterday to give me their email address now means their cards are totally inaccessible.

Importance definitions


the quality of being important and worthy of note; "the importance of a well-balanced diet"


a prominent status; "a person of importance"

See also: grandness