Impel in a sentence as a verb

No one chose to be born, so why does the accident of their birth impel them to act a certain way?

Consider that using the Pandora name will impel you to spend more time thinking about legal issues, not less.

That confirmation bias is but one of a number of cognitive biases that impel us to find Philip in these words.

4. to influence or impel: Competition inspired her to greater efforts.

It's been 3 years, I'm sure the warrant in reference did not impel MU to keep those files after the case against NinjaVideo was done and over with.

This has already gone through the courts, the courts can impel you to turn over your password, if they have evidence to suggest your computer has incriminating evidence.

Ecuador afaik has been wavering a bit under US diplomatic pressure in the past week as far as I could tell, but I wonder if these now applications will impel them to act wrt Snowden.

The exercise part is taken care of by the default settings which require multiple laps to impel the indolent pointer across the screen, and finally, I meditated deeply during the excision.

None of this discussion is ban-worthy by any reasonable measure, but rather should impel thought, not simply reaction.> "repetition is the enemy of curiosity"that's certainly not true.

So, if our environment can impel us to move, then certainly there are other movements, like flinches, that are more subtle in their expression, but reflect some internal, psychological mechanism, like a response to fear.

But it also should impel us to go a bit beyond Spolsky in the sense that it points to designs which avoid particular inherently difficult problems rather than using simplistic formula of 'avoid any complexity'.

You accurately describe the cause-and-effect of not prosecuting petty crime whatsoever and that prison is not a sufficient deterrent, so what would be “less severe, more immediate, and more ‘certain’” that would impel a miscreant to not commit a crime?

The fact that they are trying to expand further with such financing "Bloomberg reports that mutual fund giant Fidelity is competing to lead a round of financing for startup car service Uber Technologies" coupled with this incident, should impel Uber to have the right compliance measures in place, as they are scaling, to ensure all users feel safe when using the service.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

It was also of importance in relation to the mens rea, since for dual criminality, the facts alleged had to impel the conclusion that Mr Assange had no reasonable belief that AA was consenting to what had happened.> It seems to us that the conduct described as offence 1 fairly and properly describes the conduct as set out in AA's statement in relation to what is complained of restricting her movement by violence.

Impel definitions


urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate

See also: force


cause to move forward with force; "Steam propels this ship"

See also: propel