Imitative in a sentence as an adjective

A parody is "an imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialise an original work" [1].

Speech acquisition can be viewed as an imitative behavior, akin to, say, reaching out and grabbing something, kicking a ball, what not.

But what this also means is that we’re constantly running these imitative, collective structures within ourselves at all times, seeking more and to share our own permutations of them.

The audio examples are clearly imitative, especially in the terminal syllable, which almost always uses a consonant like [p].

The possession of great wealth itself is a concept that assumes a top-down vision of value; the phenomenon of being robbed for cryptocurrency is mostly reflective of the new being imitative of the old.

Or ship the stuff through Hong Kong?In my very limited experience, almost all of the VC I've witnessed in China has involved imitative trend-chasing by small players hoping to cash out by getting foreign investment.

Parody - "an imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize[citation needed] an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic imitation"sounds like parody

Of current relevance, Cialdini discusses the statistical effect of publicized suicides on imitative suicides, and particularly on suicides by airline pilots.

No risk, limited initiative, certainly not considerable imitative.

Stay connected to your innovative-self, and not reactive-imitative-self.

And are you aware that field testing is deliberately imitative of nature, of evolution?I'll say it again -- not only are we unable to create an Einstein, we can't even recognize one until his ideas have been hammered against the anvil of direct experience and survived.

"Perhaps this still qualifies as striking, but it's becoming rapidly more common, as mainstream journalism becomes ever more predictable and imitative, and individuals with expertise and actual insight, not working for news organizations, stand out as the only voices worth paying attention to.

When I visit family in Europe it's a totally different experience -- here in North America quality is a luxury option, and "local" and "regional" is a branding exercise, and imitative of Europe with little indigenous invention; in Europe generally just sheer weight of history and the influence of 2000 years of farming .. it's entirely different.

Imitative definitions


marked by or given to imitation; "acting is an imitative art"; "man is an imitative being"


(of words) formed in imitation of a natural sound; "onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises"; "it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term"- Harry Hoijer

See also: echoic onomatopoeic onomatopoeical onomatopoetic


not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince"

See also: counterfeit