Illogical in a sentence as an adjective

The bubble is not illogical to start with.

I don't think his point was hypocritical, just a bit illogical.

This is speculation on my part but it is not illogical to assume this might be happening.

It's super weird and unexpected but it's not illogical given the rules of the language.

And as dumb as it is, I've only in the last few years overcome that completely illogical obstruction in my mind.

But unless you argue that MIT should have known Aaron was mentally unstable, saying MIT "caused" him to **** himself is illogical.

There's nothing "contorted" or "illogical" or "false-to-fact" about the copyright law in this case.

We've done the math on this: wrong people who share emotional stories and persuade crowds about all sorts of illogical things are a price that a dynamic community pays for progress.

Add to this an unending string of video clips, photographs and news reports about inappropriate, clumsy and even illogical searches and screenings by TSA agents.

Is there a term for the ridiculous rhetorical tactic of insisting that any attempt to refute one's claims as being illogical is itself only further proof of the claims made?

State machines should be force-fed simply because they are the simplest computational model, and if they are sufficient for a task, to use something more complicated would be illogical.

Mr. Spock was always illogically neglecting the reality of emotional behavior in humans.

It's a poke in the eye directed at those statists and others who for years have been beating up on anyone who publicly acknowledged the possibility of any gov't conspiracy; usually by making comparisons to absurd examples, then sometimes claiming such things are normal or just, and or making false or illogical justifications.

Illogical definitions


lacking in correct logical relation

See also: unlogical


lacking orderly continuity; "a confused set of instructions"; "a confused dream about the end of the world"; "disconnected fragments of a story"; "scattered thoughts"

See also: confused disconnected disjointed disordered garbled scattered unconnected