Hypocrite in a sentence as a noun

"Most people will look at it and say "What an Asswad" - but at least he's not being a hypocrite.

I guess to some, that makes him a total ****-flopping hypocrite.

Adria, you are a bigot and a hypocrite.

Maybe it's just me, but how can you embrace Flash but not Quicktime without looking like a hypocrite?

I feel similarly, I'm just not sure where I draw the line because it makes me feel like a hypocrite.

No. Being a hypocrite would be telling other players not to take advantage of the rules while you take advantage of the rules.

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

I believe she's being a hypocrite by taking offense one day, and making her own penis joke on Twitter the next.

If you don't protest every single injustice I want you to protest, you must be a hypocrite!

I'm going to ignore that they're not the same person and pretend that if you smash them together like play-doh you get a single hypocrite.

" In this context, labeling someone a hypocrite is indeed not logically relevant.

If youre complaining about government spying on the Internet, or in a gathering of programmers, and you wont take basic steps to do anything about it, then youre a hypocrite, full-stop.

Regulations to encourage this are good; regulations that enhance the monopoly rather than busting it are bad, and there's no way in which I am being a hypocrite about the goodness of regulation.

Hypocrite definitions


a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives

See also: dissembler dissimulator phony phoney pretender