Hypochondria in a sentence as a noun

Nice to have more fuel for my hypochondria fire.

Or if you have mild hypochondria, just see a doctor and ask; there's no harm in asking.

This is not about hypochondria, but people who knowingly fake illness.

It's true ... chalk up some of my snark to my own anxiety & hypochondria, projected outward

I do not really like it either, might be "hypochondria" though and probably a different reason.

Reminds me of situations where one has a health scare or a hypochondria before knowing the true details of their illness.

Of course, sometimes, it's counterproductive or even more painful when this happens, ex: OCD or hypochondria.

Taking blood tests for the rest of your life for a condition you may develop is a fast road to hypochondria and believe me when I say it's no easy thing, living in fear.

You called the sudden pervasiveness of gluten awareness hypochondria and mass hysteria.

This is not controversial!So?Also, if you are worried that spending a lot of time "exposed" to a light breeze is going to give you skin disease, you might want to read about hypochondria because you have it.

Is that placebo or nocebo?In my judgement, it is best to call a spade a spade: placebos, nocebos, suggestibility, hypochondria, and expectations are one in the same thing with very potent effects.

Put someone allegedly sensitive in a room with a router behind a screen, and see if they can reliably detect when it is turned on and turned off?I'm willing to believe that someone could be sensitive to Wi-Fi, and willing to believe that are too subtle for us to notice consciously can still cause discomfort or illness, but I think the simplest explanation is some combination of the placebo effect and hypochondria.

This is in stark contrast to usual hypochondria surrounding most diseases; where a person will be quick to diagnose themselves with [X cargo-cult symptom-matching thing-they-don't-understand] to explain why their neck always aches or they keep coughing up yellow phlegm, people are wary of assigning themselves mood disorders, since most people feel that society will still consider them "guilty" in some way for having the problem ["you're just lazy" &c], and they definitely don't want to bring it out in the open to the point where they identify with it.

Hypochondria definitions


chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments

See also: hypochondriasis