Hyphenate in a sentence as a verb

"If you really want to use "day to day", hyphenate it.

Cooll and Belke are both perfectly fine joint names, if they don't want to hyphenate.

But adjectives that end in "-ly" can be hyphenated.

We didn't want to hyphenate the last name so we had to either have a 2 word first name or middle name.

My wife took my surname when we married, but rather than hyphenate she decided to go with a space.

Its job in the pipeline is to hyphenate, compute layouts, and output input for dpost.

Sometimes you can fix it by telling it how to hyphenate words it doesnt know how to hyphenate by default.

* Due to an issue somewhere between qt and webkit, it's not possible to hyphenate text.

I think you would hyphenate big-brick in that case, as, taken together, they are a single adjective of house.

MS Word still can't kern very well, and can't really hyphenate for double-column justified papers.

I can't really see any other explanation for caring whether or not an author chose to hyphenate.

It's far too eager to hyphenate; doesn't protrude hyphens, commas, etc.; and doesn't use TeX-style paragraph-level optimization.

If the same content is on both url's, would one always win?Our own debate was whether to hyphenate a two word phrase in the directory structure: /kitchensink/whatever/ vs /kitchen-sink/whatever/.

My husband decided to hyphenate one of his names and Social Security explicitly didn't use the hyphen even though it's on the marriage certificate.

I think financially could probably have been hyphenated on the first page to eliminate the overfull h-box, but its already part of a hyphenated word pair, so theres probably a rule against that.

Hyphenate definitions


divide or connect with a hyphen; "hyphenate these words and names"

See also: hyphen