Hygiene in a sentence as a noun

As a matter of hygiene, it's better to avoid them.

"Proper hygiene has saved those lives, of which soap and water played a role.

There is no evidence for the hygiene hypothesis.

My lack of security and privacy hygiene, however, doesn't extend to my work stuff.

Please dont let us name the browser after a feminine hygiene product!Ironic that this was a concern, given the later iPad

Already, plenty of businesses enable poor hygiene by including transparent squid proxies that strip SSL.

Imagine a restaurant saying "just forget about hygiene until you're profitable"!

Studies also showed that baby mice kept in sterile environments were more likely to face autoimmune disease, seeming to back what came to be called the 'hygiene hypothesis.

I experienced every data hygiene issue imaginable: from ntpd being broken, local time/UTC inconsistencies, switch firmware acting up, all the way to human errors in the ETL process.

Data hygiene issues show up inconsistently, even within the same data source: I experienced this first-hand as a quant trader: I only had half a dozen, well-structured time series data coming from our trading apps and switches.

Hygiene definitions


a condition promoting sanitary practices; "personal hygiene"


the science concerned with the prevention of illness and maintenance of health

See also: hygienics