Hybridizing in a sentence as a noun

*it's also possible that at the end the males will start hybridizing with females from other species.

Lately it seems like content sites are increasingly hybridizing with what we'd think of as being more like applications.

On the other hand, I get the impression that C# was originally designed to be a more performant Java by hybridizing it with C++.

Genetic modification is doing with a scalpel what we've been doing with a sledgehammer for thousands of years with selective breeding and hybridizing.

Underestimating the tremendous skill and knowledge in hybridizing maize.

Theres a two pager where they're hybridizing sunflowers with artichokes to that effect, but they've so far steered away from the targeted genetic modification

"Nature's method of genetically hybridizing plants is cross pollination, and for most of human history, this is how farmers and scientists have created new and improved species of crops.

You realize we are at 7 billion now because of previous scientific food efforts, like hybridizing wheat / GMO / toxic insecticides?All science is doing is making the problem bigger and bigger.

Then in English the whole explosion when the quadrille arrived from France and began hybridizing with English country dance happened, and then the waltz... Meanwhile in the USA, contradance continued on without that influence.

A lot of the recent "wow" research is directly generating images, which I don't think will scale up to realistic scenes as soon as anything moves and rotates, but there's other research in hybridizing 3D model rendering with AI[1] that seems like it could get there.

Hybridizing definitions


(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids

See also: hybridization hybridisation crossbreeding crossing cross interbreeding