Hybridize in a sentence as a verb

Is it possible for a pig to hybridize with a chimpanzee?

"Them" is a plural word in the first place, so attempting to hybridize it with the singular and form "themself" is incorrect and awkward.

It is also possible to hybridize the two, which usually means casting rays in order to shade micropolygons.

It's basically a collection of DNA probes that each hybridize with a specific genetic variant.

We each hybridize these factors differently--attempting to isolate them is valuable.

Stone fruit, also in the Rosaceae family, also hybridize pretty easily, and a lot of hybrids like apriums are sold commercially.

I used to think it was regrettable that Toyota wouldn't hybridize their cheapest most practical car in the US, but then I learned that the Prius C was the best selling car in Japan for a while, so I'm not sure whether we're missing out or not.

Hybridize definitions


breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed"

See also: crossbreed cross hybridise interbreed