Hutzpah in a sentence as a noun

Exactly the kind of hutzpah the "fact checker" sites are swimming in.

True, ****** requires special hutzpah - but that also doesn't happen every day.

I think it's a fantastic idea I just haven't had the hutzpah to actually book a place in someone else's home yet... yet.

But it takes special kind of hutzpah to call one's opinion "objective fact" and try to paint all the other opinions as lying.

It is what a coward does.> it has a Diogenic qualityDiogenes had the hutzpah to call people on their **** when he was alive.

The #1 use for an SPA is called “resume padding”.If you’re a front end dev who wants to look important, making the entire application reliant on your fragile client side code can give a lot of hutzpah to your resume.

When you ultimately work up the hutzpah to leave and see your friends moving on gaining new titles, different employers, etc. you still feel pangs of their relative prestige increasing despite all your internal protestations that you don't care anymore.

Hutzpah definitions


(Yiddish) unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity

See also: chutzpa chutzpah