Hurtful in a sentence as an adjective

Just don't say hurtful and untrue things like that in public.

Calling someone on it, is hurtful too, but its important to do as well.

Yes, there are man-children who post stupid and hurtful **** on the internet.

It continues to sadden me that MIT used their influence in such a hurtful manner.

The people around us don't want to know our real thoughts and opinions because they are often hurtful or awkward.

Your database server vendor will find that hurtful and offensive.

The question is this: by whose standards should someone's words be judged as "angry, hurtful, and unnecessary"?

And disruptive forces aren't hurtful for the startup community at all.

You could however put ads in the newspaper for "Angela, 38DD, busty and hot, will massage you... all over".One of the things that you couldn't do was also very hurtful.

"I am about to say something potentially hurtful, but I am doing it with your best interests at heart, so don't instinctively retaliate" is kind of what it's used for.

They make everyone look bad and we all walk away feeling like maybe we've lost faith in humanity when in reality a serious problem just stems from mostly unintentional, but hurtful ignorance.

Maybe it's a gentle reminder of how hurtful and counterproductive these kinds of attitudes are, or maybe it's a forceful "I never want to hear that **** again" - depends on the type of personality you're dealing with.

Hurtful definitions


causing hurt; "her hurtful unconsidered words"


harmful to living things; "deleterious chemical additives"

See also: deleterious injurious