Hundredweight in a sentence as a noun

A hundredweight is 112 LBs because a Stone is 14 rather than 10.

I'm not even going to ask why they needed a unit of 112 pounds, but why call it a hundredweight?

It gets more fun when you get beyond yards and pounds and into stones, hundredweight, and imperial tons and rods, chords, and furlongs.

In the same way, credit card companies are not charged with fraud when little Timmy uses his Mother's Visa card to buy a few hundredweight of gobstoppers...

With half a hundredweight of coal in its boiler a liner could sail all the way round the world, keep the lights on in all of Prague, power a huge factory, whatever you like; with a piece of coal the size of a walnut you could heat and cook for a whole family.

Hundredweight definitions


a unit of weight equal to 100 kilograms

See also: doppelzentner centner


a United States unit of weight equivalent to 100 pounds

See also: centner cental quintal


a British unit of weight equivalent to 112 pounds