Hundredth in a sentence as a noun

You don't know if you are going to crater yourself on the fifth, the hundredth or the nth jump.

Replacing brakes for the hundredth time is not nearly as interesting or challenging as the first time.

Otherwise it's easy to continually say to yourself "well, I'll work on it tomorrow" for the hundredth time in a row.

After taking it for a test lap, and after cursing at forgetting parenthesis on print for the hundredth time, you get it.

The real threat is that the latest automated pattern-recognition software can do much of the work for less than a hundredth of it.

Thanks for this; I was going to bring it up if no one else did. Yes, the average human eye is sharpacuity of just under a hundredth of a degreebut not sharp enough to need that resolution at such distance.

The hundredth time, you can look at a new API / framework and see the what it enables you to build most efficiently, and you can let that inform the design of what you create.

Hundredth in a sentence as an adjective

Apple has over $20 _billion_ in revenue per quarter from the iPhone [1], making Cydia's $10 million / year about a hundredth of a percent of Apple's revenue.

Those who bootstrapped this year's hundredth social-local-mobile app are rarely the ones creating new technologies and platforms that change the way we use technology.

Without saying anything about this particular situation, can I just point out for the four hundredth time that $780 invoices generate far, far, far more stupidity than $7,800 or $78,000 invoices do?

That mental model has not come to grips with the fact that the conversion math would suggest a click on that ad would be worth fractions of a hundredth of a penny to the BBC and cost several orders of magnitude more.

It shows that in the last 50 years in the US we've increased the life expectancy of an 80 year old by two years, from 86 to 88. extrapolating that linearly it suggests that children being born today will, if they live to 80 in the 2090s, have a life expectancy then of about 91, so while they may well expect to see the 22nd century dawn they won't generally get to see their hundredth birthday.

For example, to come up with the $600 million figure, they say:"We simulated an increase in productivity growth in the exceptions using industries of just one one-hundredth of its otherwise experienced growth in the three years from 2007 through 2010 a very conservative estimate of additional growth.

Hundredth definitions


position 100 in a countable series of things


one part in a hundred equal parts

See also: one-hundredth


the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order

See also: centesimal 100th