Humiliation in a sentence as a noun

I'm happy that however small this infraction might have been, it will be met with fines and public humiliation.

I know that the fear and humiliation imposed by a harasser don't go away just because the venue changes.

On top of loosing their lands, there is huge under development and humiliation since decades.

The ones who were actually good had clearly been tougher than me; they had fought through all the shame and humiliation of playing badly.

Frustration and humiliation is quick to turn to anger, and from anger, a deep rooted misogyny.

PG is a poorly chosen target in some sense, since he will be extremely hard to fire - although public humiliation is also satisfying to SJWs[1].It is not all bad. One of the classic phenomena of witch hunts is when the hunt comes back to bag an original instigator.

The internet has created a permanent record of slander and humiliation from anonymous people, so if you don't stand up to it then it'll be assumed that there was some merit to what they said.

It's like the hubris builds up to the point where the company is in a natural position to say, "Hey, we need a new campus," and the Gods decide that a little humiliation is in order as well .

Dealing with humiliation afterward-- applying for subordinate roles for which I'm way overqualified, having to go through 47 goddamn phone screens for each company just to prove I'm not an idiot-- is harder.

Some of us, however, remember the torment, the humiliation, the violence, the scorn and the ostracism of finding science, electronics, and computers fascinating.

"Some of us, however, remember the torment, the humiliation, the violence, the scorn and the ostracism of finding science, electronics, and computers fascinating.

I have no strong feeling about Microsoft either way, and I have a lot of respect for the great work coming out of Microsoft Research, but it's about time that we see bad HR policies leading to outright exposure and frank humiliation.

Hmm, if China was the global superpower and invaded the US, and installed/supported some regional Christian dictatorships... what would happen if a film came along and really rubbed in the humiliation?In the real world, Iran's in our crosshairs, and it turns out that the US and UK overthrew their secular parliamentary democracy, installing the brutal Shah.

Humiliation definitions


state of disgrace or loss of self-respect


strong feelings of embarrassment

See also: chagrin mortification


an instance in which you are caused to lose your prestige or self-respect; "he had to undergo one humiliation after another"

See also: mortification


depriving one of self-esteem

See also: abasement