Humerus in a sentence as a noun

"I wasn't sure, so I looked up humerus.

It's humerus that you claim Latex doesn't look good as it's beautiful output is the reason many people put up with it's warts.

Wikipedia says "The humerus ... is a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow.

Imagine if you couldn't distinguish a broken arm from a broken leg, a broken humerus from a broken ankle.

The second – and last – time I hit a pothole, I broke my humerus in two places but was was able to take a Lyft to the emergency room.

Had invasive surgery on my humerus that involved drilling & cutting into bone and muscle.

The insertion point for the pecs in the humerus draws closer to the mid-line as the arm is externally rotated and raised while at the same time the scapula is rotated up and out pushing the lateral border and all the meat away from the mid-line.

I'm considering adding appropriate asterisks to my own writing, more as a humerus affectation than anything else, as I personally can't imagine how the asterisks would make it less offensive, but eh, it's interesting to hear what people think about the subject.

I've also had serious injuries, such as a broken humerus as a child, where rotator cuff and deltoid muscles atrophied to an extreme level; and those joints are now stronger than ever because I weight trained in specific movement patterns that are difficult to replicate with calisthenics.

Humerus definitions


bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow