Humanistic in a sentence as an adjective

It wonder if they tested it vs a more humanistic version?

Each new generation brings the same humanistic flaws of the last generation.

I've seen some very humanistic threads- feedback, offers, and connections happen here.

Or is the explanation more humanistic: "Obama seems like a more trustworthy guy."

This is basically a less humanistic version of Frutiger.

I've always been fascinated by people's propensity to write about things they don't know, with the excuse that it's just humanistic sciences.

If we don't want to revert to a world of lords and serfs, basic income is the best way to preserve Adam Smith's humanistic vision of capitalism.

Thinking about it in a humanistic way like that, instead of a negative/destructive way, lets me get over things immediately.

We're almost on the verge of a technological/humanistic revolution in which everything will be changeable.

I think the only way to get through those times is pursuing an idea that stems from a deep principle you believe in. This is currently what I'm looking for: identifying my humanistic principles, and seeing what ideas are natural conclusions from it. No more random market based ideas.

This is why Alexander's work is humanistic and beautiful, while stuff like the GoF patterns book is utterly uninteresting for anyone who's not a programmer.

But I don't see anything anti-Semitic, or anti-humanistic, in this, nor do I think he was saying that Jewish lives were worth little in absolute terms or relative to others.

Humanistic definitions


of or pertaining to a philosophy asserting human dignity and man's capacity for fulfillment through reason and scientific method and often rejecting religion; "the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution"- Wendell Thomas

See also: humanist


of or pertaining to Renaissance humanism; "the humanistic revival of learning"

See also: humanist


pertaining to or concerned with the humanities; "humanistic studies"; "a humane education"

See also: humanist humane


marked by humanistic values and devotion to human welfare; "a humane physician"; "released the prisoner for humanitarian reasons"; "respect and humanistic regard for all members of our species"

See also: human-centered human-centred humanist humanitarian